Linhart Encounter


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Linhartovo srečanje
Štefanova 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 0500
Festival dates18.9.2025 - 20.9.2025

Named after the celebrated Slovene dramatist and historian Anton Tomaž Linhart (1756–1795), the Linhart Encounter is an annual festival for non-professional Slovene theatre groups. It has been organized by the Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia since 1962 and has been held in Postojna since 2004. The festival provides an overview of amateur theatre productions and aims to popularize and award the best productions and achievements of the current season with the Matiček Award.


The festival’s programme, including both the competition and side events, features performances across all genres and formats. A selector, who travels to view all potentially eligible performances, selects and invites 6 to 8 of them (out of over 120) to the festival, along with the best performance from the Visions Festival of Young Theatre Groups. In addition to Slovene amateur theatre groups, the festival is also open to performances by Slovene minorities living in Austria, Croatia, Hungary, or elsewhere. Participation in the Linhart Encounter allows these groups to enhance the quality of their work, network, exchange ideas, and further develop their projects.

The side programme of the festival includes round tables, discussions, and workshops, as well as performances by international amateur theatre groups. An international jury presents the Matiček Awards for the best performance, best actor, and best actress in lead and supporting roles, with up to three additional awards for special achievements. The Public Fund for Cultural Activities of the Republic of Slovenia also awards the Linhart Plaquette and Lihnart Charter at the festival, recognizing outstanding achievements in non-professional theatre.

Linhart Encounter 2018 Rooster's Breakfast Photo Matej Macek.jpgThe actors Nika Brgant, Damijan Perne, and Sašo Dudič in Feri Lainšček's play Rooster's Breakfast, produced by Šentjakob Theatre and Tone Čufar Theatre, Jesenice. Directed by Gojmir Lešnjak – Gojc, the play received the Matiček Award for best overall performance at the Linhart Encounter in 2018. Author: Matej Maček.

Linhart Encounter 2022 The Maticek Award Photo Matej Macek.jpgThe Matiček Award, designed by sculptor Boštjan Drinovec, is given at the annual Linhart Encounter to honor the best non-professional Slovene theatre productions and achievements of the season. Author: Matej Maček

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Linhartovo srečanje +
Sept, 3 days +
39 (2012) 39 (2013) 39,40 (2014) +
24.9.2015 - 26.9.2015, 29.9.2016 - 1.10.2016, 28.9.2017 - 30.9.2017, 27.9.2018 - 29.9.2018, 26.9.2019 - 28.9.2019, 23.9.2021 - 25.9.2021, 22.9.2022 - 24.9.2022, 21.9.2023 - 23.9.2023, 19.9.2024 - 21.9.2024, 18.9.2025 - 20.9.2025 +
20,250,920 +
20,250,918 +
201239 +, 201339 +, 201439 +, 201440 +, 201539 +, 201639 +, 201739 +, 201839 +, 201939 +, 202138 +, 202238 +, 202338 +, 202438 +  and 202538 +
annual +
Linhartovo srečanje +
SI-1000 Ljubljana +
Štefanova 5 +
Named after the celebrated Slovene dramatist and historian Anton Tomaž Linhart (1756–1795), the Linhart Encounter is an annual festival for non-professional Slovene theatre groups. +
Named after the celebrated Slovene dramatist and historian Anton Tomaž Linhart (1756–1795), the Linhart Encounter is an annual festival for non-professional Slovene theatre groups. +
+386 / 1 241 0500 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1000 +
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